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Love and Relationships

Sneaky Questions to Get Your Boyfriend to Open Up and Share | Know if You're Really a Perfect Match!

We all know how difficult it can be to get some guys to open up and share. Check out our extensive list of fun, sassy, and connection geared questions that are sure to get him chatting, and get you all the inside info about what makes him tick!

Top Questions to Ask and Impress Your Girlfriend | Increase the Fun and Level Up the Closeness

Impress your girlfriend by being the first to ask these questions! Get the inside scoop on what she feels about everything related to love and life (including you)!

Bases of Dating | The Old and "New" Meanings of this Classic Metaphor

Join us as we look at the Classic 4 Bases of Dating, The Modern Version of the Bases, Signs and Signals to take a Base, and just How Fast Should You Round those Bases?

Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Every Boyfriend Type

From budget to luxury or for the techie or the outdoor man, check out the 2025 gift ideas for your guy this Valentine's Day!

25 Hinge Prompt "Dating Me is Like..." Examples for the Perfect Connection | How to Nail Your Answer!

Try not to overthink what it's like dating you when answering this Hinge ice-breaking prompt! This quick little article will give you some great examples and help you craft the perfect response!

102 Relationship Questions and Answers You've Been Searching For (2024)

#8 What do you do when your FWB starts to develop feelings for you? #100 What makes men and women swipe right on a dating profile? #71 How do you tell your partner about the fantasy you want to try? And 99 more relationship questions and answers you may never have even thought of!

Relationship Break vs Breakup | Is This a Reset or Is It Over?

Is a Break the same as a Breakup? We explain the difference and tell you how to start reconnecting with your special someone.

Denied | 8 Reasons Your Partner Won't Connect on Social Media

We look at 8 possible reasons why your boyfriend or girlfriend don't want to connect with you on Social Media.

17 Types of Guys You'll Meet on Tinder (2025)

We break down the types of guys you are most likely to find when swiping on your favorite dating apps!

Stop! Before Staying Friends With Your Ex | What You Need To Know

Exploring the idea of trying to stay friends just after a breakup.

Healing Breakups Quickly | The 7 Stages of a Breakup and How To Get Over Someone

Deep dive into all the stages of a breakup including: Goals, Advice, and the Reasons for all this Advice! Knowing why things work helps you feel better and move on faster!

How To Get Over Someone | Feel Better and Make Your Ex Regret Leaving

Be smarter when it comes to post breakup actions. There's definitely a right and a wrong way to do things, so be intelligent about it!

12 Reasons Your Ex Swiped Right On Your Dating Profile

Not sure what to do now that your ex swiped right on your dating profile? We explore 12 reasons why they may have swiped on you and what this could mean.

What’s The Point of Dating? 7 Ways to Improve the Dating Experience

Don't make dating harder than it needs to be! This is how finding the right person doesn't have to feel like work.

Dating is Exhausting | These 6 Things Are The Reason

Dating can feel like a lot of work! Knowing how you're making it more difficult is the first step to improving your dating joy and success.

Married and Cheating | 9 Reasons Your Person Might Be Looking Outside the Relationship

You never think it will happen to you, but studies show the majority of us has been attracted to someone else while while in a long-term serious relationship. These are the reasons why we keep looking.

Vacation Sex | Realizing Fantasies and How Getting Away Could Open You Up!

Let's explore how to turn up the heat and get the most out of your vacation. ...and keep it hot when you get home!

Does Bumble Notify Screenshots?

Don't worry about those Bumble screenshots. You're in the clear. Share away with your closest besties!

Intentional Dating | How To Find Your Perfect Match

Stop wasting time on the wrong people. Intentional Dating is all about making the right moves to get exactly what you're looking for in your perfect relationship.

Swiping On an Ex | 6 Things To Ask Before You Swipe Right

Check out the 6 things you should really consider before swiping right on your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.

6 Types of Breakups That Get Back Together - The Ultimate Guide

We explore the different types of breakups that are likely to get back together, what can help and hurt your chances, and a little information on the scientific side, as well as, some celebrity success examples.

Relationship Attachment Styles | Which One Works Best For You?

Ever wonder why you or your partner may sometimes blow up over something small or have those occasional moments of irrational fear? This article will shed some light on it.

The 23 Best Breakup Support Books and Why

Need help after a breakup? Check out these great breakup and relationship support reads!

13 Best Breakup Songs and Why

Music therapy for healing a broken heart!

The Breadcrumbing Trap | What is Breadcrumbing and How to Respond

Dympll looks at some common relationship traps and warning signs!

13 Signs Your Relationship Could Be Over

Even the best of relationships can hit a rough patch, but when these issues become a regular occurrence, it can be a sign that something deeper is going on. Check out these tips for getting things back on track.

LTR, Unicorn, Stashing and 88 Other Dating and Relationship Terms You May Never Have Heard Before!

With all the new slang and terms used to describe anything and everything relationships, don't be the only one scratching your head when your friend says she's cushioning the new guy at work!

Compatibility Test | 15 Questions When You Start Dating Someone New

Try our 15 Question Compatibility Test to see if your new Bumble, Tinder, or Hinge match is a good fit to go the distance!

Are You Considered Conventionally Attractive? This is How You Know

Is being conventionally attractive good or bad? See if you're conventionally attractive and what it could mean for you.

How to Get a Boyfriend | Say Bye to Being Single

We walk you through the 6 most important steps to attract and connect with the man of your dreams!

12 Steps for How to Get a Girlfriend | Mastering the Skills to Find Love

We share the top 12 steps essential to attracting and dating your perfect match!

Stop Breakup Pain | How to Get Over Someone Faster and for Good!

Too many times we prolong our breakup pain by making bad decisions. This is how you break the cycle, regain control, and end the pain.

Is My Boyfriend Gay? | Quiz

Ever wonder if your boyfriend wished his male best friend was more than "Just a Friend"? Try our quiz to see if you two may need to have an honest talk about wants, needs, and the future of your relationship.

Interactive Breakup Support | Quiz

Ever wonder if you're doing the right thing after a breakup? Especially if you really would like a chance to get back together!

Tinder After A Breakup? | 13 Reasons Why Guys Start Looking Online

You and your boyfriend just broke up. Next thing you know your friend is telling you they saw your ex on a dating app. Here's the 13 most likely reasons why he's looking online.

Yelling, Withholding Affection, and Other Toxic Relationship Manipulations: When is Moving On the Right Decision?

Have you reached your limit with a toxic wife, husband, or partner? This is how you begin to end the yelling, fights, and frustration.

Monthly Relationship Milestones | Are You On Track?

If you're curious about how your relationship compares or need help with understanding what might be considered typical in the relationship timeline, just take a look and see!

Start an Epic Conversation on Tinder | Make Getting Dates Easy With These 14 Tips

This is how you start Tinder Conversations that turn into dates! Works with all other dating apps too!

Tinder for Beginners | The 5 Steps for Successful Online Dating

Check out these tips for getting started in the online dating world.

Bumble Swipe Limit | How Many and When You Get More

Finally understand how many swipes Bumble gives you and what you can do to get more!

How to Delete eHarmony Account | Your 3 Possible Options

Found a match or just ready to be done with your renewing eharmony service subscription payment? Here're your options and what you need to do to cancel your eharmony account.

What is eDating? | All Your Online Dating Questions Answered

Everything you wanted to know about eDating, and then some! Like... The History of eDating and What's the Future of Online Dating?

6 Tips for Becoming a Tinder Top Pick

In this article we go over Tinder Top Picks and what you need to do to become a Top Pick yourself.

Does Tinder Notify Screenshots?

Stop worrying about taking a screenshot of your favorite Tinder profiles! This is a notification free zone.

Does Hinge Notify Screenshots?

Worried about screenshotting something on your Hinge dating app? Go ahead, nothing to worry about there.

No Likes on Tinder? | 6 Reasons Why This Happens

Not getting any bites on Tinder or other dating apps? Check out some reasons why this could be and what you can do to fix it.

What's the Vibe of Your Relationship? | 8 Types of Relationship Vibes

What is the vibe of your relationship? We explore some of the different types of relationship vibes.

Are You Too Needy? | Quiz

Not sure how needy you are? I mean, who doesn't need some attention, right? Take this fun quiz to see what your level of neediness is!

Are You Pushing Away Your Ex | Quiz

Are you pushing away your ex and you don’t even realize it? Take the quiz and let’s see if you’re going about this the wrong way.

Should I Text My Ex? | Quiz

Try this helpful and insightful QUIZ to see if texting your ex is the right thing to do!

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